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Heating Up the Scientific Instruments Market

Written by Backer Hotwatt | Sep 4, 2024 8:01:15 PM

Heaters for Laboratory & Analytical, Test & Measurement, and Explosives Detection Applications

The scientific instruments market—characterized by the avid pursuit of precision, accuracy, and performance—is one of the most rapidly growing market segments. A SkyQuest report states that the global scientific instruments market is expected to grow from $42.94 billion in 2023 to $60.60 billion by 2031.

Scientific instruments are essential tools, used in research, analysis, and experimentation across a multitude of scientific disciplines, markets, and applications. As manufacturers look to gain competitive advantage, the need to innovate and stay ahead of the competition is critical. A key component of many scientific instruments, the heat source, determines how efficient, effective, and reliable—and ultimately how successful—an instrument is in ensuring optimal performance. 

The Importance of Heaters in Scientific Instrumentation 

Ranging from microscopes to spectroscopy devices, chromatography systems, and laboratory balances, scientific instruments find applications across a wide range of disciplines, including life sciences, geology, environmental science, physics, chemistry, and materials science. As engineers search for new and exciting technologies, the demand for precision and accuracy in measurements continues to heat up an already dynamic and expanding market.

Scientific instruments enable researchers and developers to address complex scientific inquiries, collect precise, accurate data, and advance the discovery of vital new approaches and technologies. High performance instruments are used for such applications and markets as laboratory and analytical, test and measurement, explosives detection systems, pharma and biotech, and environmental monitoring and analysis. At the heart of many of these applications is the heat source, which enables:

  • Temperature Control: Many scientific processes require precise temperature control to ensure accurate results. Heaters maintain stable temperatures, crucial for experiments in fields such as chemistry, biology, and materials science.
  • Sample Integrity: In analytical instruments such as gas chromatographs and mass spectrometers, heaters prevent condensation and ensure the integrity of samples, leading to more reliable data.
  • Optimal Functioning: Instruments such as thermal analyzers, incubators, and spectrophotometers rely on heaters to maintain the conditions necessary for their optimal functioning.

Three Primary Applications for Instrumentation Heaters

Heaters play a crucial role in laboratory and analytical markets by providing precise temperature control for various processes and experiments. Three of the most prominent areas that require precision heaters are:

  • Laboratory and analytical
  • Test and measurement
  • Explosives detection

Heaters for Laboratory and Analytical 

A well-designed heat source enables sophisticated analysis and characterization of substances and materials in laboratory environments, as well as improvements in sensitivity, new detection methods, and miniaturization. Among the many laboratory and analytical applications in which heaters play a critical role are the following:

  • Incubators: Heaters maintain constant temperatures for the growth of microbial cultures, cell cultures, and other biological samples.
  • Water Baths: Used for precise temperature control in experiments requiring consistent, gentle heating.
  • Drying Ovens: Essential for removing moisture from samples before analysis.
  • Desiccators: Used in conjunction with heaters to keep samples dry and free from humidity.
  • Hot Plates: Provide a controlled heat source for preparing samples, including dissolving solids and heating liquids.
  • Gas Chromatographs: Require heaters to maintain the necessary temperature for the column, detector, and injector to ensure accurate and reproducible results.
  • Spectrophotometers: Use heaters to stabilize temperature-sensitive components, ensuring consistent readings.
  • Mass Spectrometers: Employ heaters to maintain optimal conditions for ionization sources and vacuum systems.
  • Reactor Vessels: Use heaters to provide the necessary temperature conditions for chemical synthesis and reactions.
  • Mantles and Heating Jackets: Provide uniform heat distribution for round-bottom flasks and other laboratory glassware.
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeters (DSC): Use precise heating and cooling to study material properties such as melting points, crystallization, and phase transitions.

The Use of Resistive Heating Elements in the Test & Measurement Market 

Resistive heating elements, such as heating coils or heating cartridges, are widely used in test and measurement equipment. They consist of a resistive wire or coil that generates heat when an electric current passes through it. Resistive heating elements offer high heating power and are commonly used in applications where rapid temperature changes or high-temperature environments are required. Below we explore some factors that contribute to their popularity in this market.

Heaters are key to high performance instruments for test and measurement, across a wide range of industries including medial and healthcare, electronics and electrical engineering, aerospace and defense, automotive and transportation, telecommunications, industrial manufacturing and quality assurance, energy and power systems, and R&D.

The types of heaters commonly used in test and measurement are:

Heaters for Explosives Detection

Heaters play a critical role in the explosives detection market and applications by ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and accuracy of detection instruments. The applications for this market include:

  • Preconcentration of Explosive Vapors:Heaters are used to increase the temperature of air samples, facilitating the release and concentration of explosive vapors for more accurate detection.
  • Thermal Desorption Units:These devices use heat to desorb explosive molecules from collection media, making them available for analysis by detectors like mass spectrometers or ion mobility spectrometers.
  • Column Heating:Heaters maintain the precise temperature of the chromatographic column, essential for separating explosive compounds based on their volatilities.
  • Drift Tube Heating:Heaters maintain the drift tube at a constant temperature to stabilize the mobility of ionized explosive molecules, ensuring accurate and reproducible detection.
  • Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy Sample Preparation:Heaters are used to dry or heat samples to enhance the detection of explosive residues through IR spectroscopy.
  • Surface Heating:Portable explosive detectors often use heaters to warm surfaces where explosive residues may be present, aiding in the collection of vapor or particle samples.
  • Environmental Control:In portable and field-deployable explosive detectors, heaters ensure that the internal components remain within operational temperature ranges to maintain accuracy and reliability in diverse climates.

We further discuss some test and measurement application examples in various markets below.

Electronics and Electrical Engineering

In the field of electronics and electrical engineering, test and measurement equipment is fundamental for research, development, production, and maintenance processes. While heaters may not be directly associated with all electronic test and measurement equipment, there are specific applications within this field where heaters are utilized; they include thermal management and temperature compensation and calibration. We discuss other applications in more detail below.

  • Environmental Testing: Environmental chambers, also known as temperature chambers, are used to simulate extreme temperature conditions to assess the performance, reliability, and behavior of electronic equipment under different thermal environments.
  • Soldering and Rework: Soldering stations and rework systems employ heaters to melt solder and heat electronic components or circuit boards for soldering, desoldering, or component removal/replacement. These heaters are typically integrated into soldering irons, hot air stations, or specialized rework systems.
  • Thermal Analysis and Characterization: Techniques such as thermal conductivity measurements, thermal impedance characterization, or coefficient of thermal expansion analysis require controlled heating and precise temperature control. Thermal analyzers, thermal imaging cameras, or specialized thermal test set-ups may incorporate heaters to generate controlled heating profiles.
  • Reliability Testing Accelerated life testing or aging tests involve subjecting electronic devices to elevated temperatures for extended periods to simulate long-term operation and assess reliability.

Aerospace and Defense

In the aerospace and defense industries, test and measurement equipment is critical for ensuring the safety, reliability, and performance of aircraft, spacecraft, and defense systems.

  • Avionics Testing: Avionics systems, which include electronic equipment used in aircraft, require rigorous testing to ensure their reliability and compliance with safety standards. Test and measurement equipment, such as avionics test sets, is used to evaluate the performance, functionality, and communication protocols of avionics systems. Heaters can be incorporated into these test sets to simulate the thermal conditions that avionics systems may encounter during flight or specific operating scenarios.
  • Material Testing and Qualification: Aerospace and defense industries require extensive material testing and qualification to ensure the performance and integrity of structural components. Heaters are employed in thermal analysis instruments or setups to assess material properties, such as thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, or heat resistance. These tests help in selecting suitable materials and validating their performance under extreme temperature conditions.

Other areas in the aerospace and defense industries that use heaters include thermal measurement, environmental, vibration and shock, and electrical testing. Heaters in test and measurement equipment are also utilized for other purposes, including environmental testing, thermal management, vibration and shock testing, and electrical testing. They contribute to the comprehensive evaluation, validation, and optimization of systems and components for reliable and safe operation in challenging aerospace and defense environments.

Automotive and Transportation 

The automotive and transportation industry extensively employs test and measurement equipment to ensure the safety, reliability, and performance of vehicles and transportation systems. Heaters are utilized in various applications within this industry, including climate control system testing, battery testing, component testing, environmental testing, and tire testing. For our purposes here, we discuss engine testing.

  • Engine Testing: Engine test cells or dynamometers incorporate heaters to provide controlled heating of engine components, engine fluids (e.g., coolant), or intake air to replicate real-world operating conditions. This allows for performance evaluation, emissions testing, durability assessments, and accelerated life tests. 

Research and Development (R&D) 

In R&D, heaters are employed to create controlled thermal environments, simulate real-world conditions, enable precise temperature control, and facilitate experiments and measurements across various scientific and technological domains. They are crucial tools for advancing knowledge, innovation, and the development of new technologies and products.

A list of applications includes:

  • Material Science
  • Chemical Reactions
  • Pharmaceutical Research
  • Energy Research
  • Biological and Biomedical Research
  • Electrical and Electronic Component Development
  • Thermal Management and Cooling


In the field of telecommunications, test and measurement equipment is vital for network installation, maintenance, and optimization. While heaters are not extensively used in telecommunications test and measurement, it’s important to note that while heaters may not be a primary component of telecommunications test and measurement equipment, their inclusion in certain applications is driven by the need to replicate real-world conditions, ensure proper functionality of telecommunications infrastructure, and assess the performance and reliability of equipment in challenging thermal environments.

A list of applications includes:

  • Fiber Optic Testing
  • Environmental Testing
  • RF and Microwave Testing
  • Base Station Testing
  • Climatic Chamber Testing

Manufacturing and Quality Assurance

Some specific applications for heaters in manufacturing and QA include the facilitation of temperature control, simulation of environmental conditions, to conduct thermal testing, or perform thermal treatments. Their usage is driven by the need for precise temperature regulation, thermal performance evaluation, and adherence to quality standards throughout the manufacturing and quality assurance processes.

A list of applications includes:

  • Material Testing
  • Thermal Shock Testing
  • Calibration and Verification
  • Component Testing
  • Heat Treatment
  • Soldering and Assembly 

Energy and Power Systems

Heaters are employed in specific applications within energy and power systems for accurate temperature control, thermal simulation, performance evaluation, and reliability assessment of various energy technologies. Their usage contributes to the advancement and optimization of energy technologies, ensuring efficient and reliable operation of energy and power systems.

A list of applications includes:

  • Battery Testing
  • Fuel Cell Testing
  • Solar Panel Testing
  • Power Electronics Testing
  • Thermal Management
  • Energy Storage Testing


Connect with Hotwatt to Design Your Heater

Backer Hotwatt solves challenging problems with unique heating solutions that our competitors won’t—or can’t—provide. When it comes to optimizing the performance of your scientific instrument application, heat and temperature are crucial. Selecting the right heating element enables you to hit precise heating targets, achieve tight tolerances, and enhance performance.

As your partner in innovation, Backer Hotwatt helps to ensure your product leads the market in performance, quality, and technological advancement. Begin the conversation with one of our engineers to determine what type of heater is optimal for your application